Welcome to everyone.

This site is a place of rest.  You won't find any ads.  I won't try to sell you anything, and my site will not write cookies or any other files to your devices.  There won't be any "flashy" animations or other distractions.  I am not a member of any political party or any particular religion.

I suppose from time to time, what appears here will have to be considered to be my opinions on things.  Probably my humanity will show through and my life experience will sometimes be reflected in expressions of some sadness and some regret.

But this site is intended to reflect the joy that I have come to know, and the gratitude I have for my life.  It will express my prayer that more of all of us would come to those same realizations in this life.

Some of the things I say will be "out there" in the arena of contemplative psychology.  But many will also be under the heading of science.  Having spent over 30 years in the information technology field and with an undergraduate degree in math, I do know that we are intended to explore, and to measure, and to experiment to find truths.  But I'm creating this site because I've come to know that there is more.  And it, too, can be measured, and it too can pass beyond belief into knowledge.

Even as a child, I never saw any conflict between science and religion.  I used to think:  "Well, yeah, we KNOW how rain works; we KNOW what condensation and evaporation are.  But WE can't really make it rain, not on any decent size scale anyway."  So where is the conflict?

Clearly the more we learn and know, the more there is that is mysterious. Each answered question creates many more new ones.  This is the nature of our lives and of the universe we live in.  And all the great scientists know the truth of that, and they relish in it.  Check out Chet Raymo, Carl Sagan, or John Wheeler.

So what is this site about?  Who is is for?  It's for people who take their lives seriously.  It's for everybody who spends time wondering about the nature and fate of this universe where we live.  It's for everybody who wonders about the purpose and meaning of their very lives.

Shouldn't that be EVERYBODY?  Maybe this site will get pretty popular after all.


September 2014